Monday, December 5, 2011


Hello All!!!
So, today I woke up for the third Monday in a row for my 5:20 am workout. I groaned at the early hour that my alarm had the nerve to go off at, mumbled as I got dressed for the grueling pain I was about to put myself in, and moaned as I made my way through the first minutes of the work. I spend my early mornings on Mondays and Tuesdays with good old Jillian Michaels, and that woman kicks your butt for real! So when my alarm goes off and I anticipate the world of hurt I'm about to go through, I think of going back to sleep...every single time! This thought today made me think on how difficult it is to establish good routines in everything we do...especially in writing.

Getting that much needed and desired writing routine can be so difficult. Ask anyone, getting yourself to sit down for a specified amount of time every day can be such a pain once you've had other things come into the mix and mess with your established schedule. For me, moving to New York, moving back to Houston, dealing with a period of sadness (ie: can't write cause I'm too upset), then finding a new job completely messed up my good old, tried and true schedule. Now I'm working to get that new routine in gear.

It's taking a lot of trying new things and throwing them out once I find that they don't work to find my new process, but I feel sure that I'll find it soon. And the benefits of all of this searching and trying new things will definitely come in time.

What processes to you all work with? How long did it take you to find a routine after a drastic change?

Happy Writing!!!

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